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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Overcome Postpartum Sagging Skin

After giving birth many women will complain of sagging skin, particularly in the area around the abdomen. But with proper care sagging skin can become tighter. After the birth we are often busy with various new things as a mother. Now the little one had become our new priorities.

How could not, after nine months pregnant with our now looked directly to his eyes and clasped her tiny fingers, it felt all during pregnancy and childbirth experience paid off in full. But behind all the happiness as mothers, many women often complain about body shape are not as beautiful as the first and sagging skin. Body shape is very closely related to fat content, fat distribution in the skin, and fat distribution in body fluids. While the sagging skin of the abdomen associated with abdominal muscles that have not been recovered after the birth, the fat content of the skin, and elasticity of the skin itself.

Actually with proper care this can be overcome, so that we can take on the role as a mother with a comfortable and still look excellent. We can use traditional herbal medicine, or if you want practical to use a special cream leather fasteners after the birth, or combine both. We recommend that you select a cream containing natural ingredients that tighten skin safely and contain enough moisturizer to improve skin texture.

Here are some tips to tightens skin and restores the body in a convenient form:

  • Make a fun little exercise, like yoga and moderate exercise, morning walk along with your baby can be an alternative
  • Drink plenty of water. In addition to prevent dehydration, water is also beneficial to retain moisture.

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